#044: Breaking Through Inertia and Getting Started in Investing

Best Selling Author and expert coach George Antone shares his expertise and advice on getting started in real estate investing and building your business around lifestyle.

He also shares tips on capital structure in deals and the six buckets of asset classes as well ways of calculating for inflation and taxes.


0:50 – Introducing George and his background; Tom’s appreciation of George’s work.

3:36 – Background information on George’s books:

4:32 – What his organization does and how he can help people.

7:12 – More on George’s background and what brought his down this path.

10:56 – George’s approach to managing his travel planning as well as his goals for traveling in 2018.

12:35 – Details on the structure and functions of George’s business.

14:57 – George’s thoughts on breaking the inertia of getting started in investing.

19:00 – Digging in to George’s approach to calculating for inflation and taxes as well as his analogy for imagining it and his cheatsheet for calculating it.

22:22 – The importance he places on capital structure in deals; the six buckets of asset classes that inform the best capital structure.

27:47  – A general summary for George’s new book, The Debt Millionaire.

31:47 – Details on what the cheatsheet is.

33:26 – George and Tom’s experience going out to sing karaoke; George’s team and their approach to building the business around lifestyle.

36:41 – One thing he wishes he had known earlier in his career.

39:00 – Something George is aiming for that he hasn’t achieved yet and where he sees himself going.

41:59 – One thing most people don’t know about George.

Resources and Links Mentioned:

George’s Books:

Connect with George: